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Summer School on Global Climate Change and Vulnerabilities-- First Announcement
发布时间:2015年05月25日 点击数:
The Summer School on “Global Climate Change and Vulnerabilities” is jointly organized by Xiamen University (XMU), San Diego State University (SDSU), Taiwan Yunlin University of Science and Technology and Taiwan Ilan University. The Summer School is designed especially for university undergraduate students.

Based on the first MoU, College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, renewed an agreement with College of Sciences, San Diego State University in Oct. 2013, on cooperation of the academic exchange and student summer research school program. This summer school will be the fourth experience between two institutes. About forty undergraduate students from Xiamen, the USA and Taiwan will be recruited for this year. We will provide participants with quality learning, key concepts and current update in various aspects of environmental science. We are looking forward to your joining this summer.

Date:22 June- 3 July, 2015
Venue:CEE Building (Xiang’an Campus), Xiamen University

Xiamen University, China

Organizing committee: 
Xiamen University: Dazhi Wang, Jinjing Luo, Qiaoguo Tan
San Diego State University: Samuel Shen, Junda Lai
Taiwan Yunlin University of Science and Technology: Jao-Jia Horng
Taiwan Ilan University: Chin-Jung Lin

Lecturer Topics:
•Global climate change
•Quantitative assessment and prediction of climate change
•Environmental proxies for paleoclimate reconstruction, paleoclimate records and abrupt climate change
•Health effects of ambient particulate matter
•Field trip and activities
•Group presentations and disscussion

Field studies (to be further confirmed):
A fieldtrip to Xiamen Wanshi Botanical Park, Zhangjiangkou Mangrove National Nature Reserve and several field courses will be organized.

Cultural studies: 
Cultural & social events will be organized during the summer school.

Target Group:
Undergraduates in the areas of Environmental Science, Ecology, Biology, Oceanic and Atmospheric Science are welcome to attend the summer school.
Participants are welcome to attend the student forum, presenting oral presentations. 

Application deadlines: 3 June, 2015
A complete application form should be submitted to Ms. Carrie Lee at carrie_lee@xmu.edu.cn.  

Fees and Awards:
No registration fee is charged for qualified applicants. Programs and teaching materials will be provided for free.
Welcome party, academic salons, field trips and farewell party will be arranged by the organizer. 
The Summer School is a two credit units course.
25 May 2015    First Announcement 
3 June  2015    Registration closed
10 June 2015   Participants confirmed 
21 June 2015   Arrival 
22 June-3 July 2015    Summer school 
4 July 2015    Departure 

Xiamen University:  Ms. Carrie Lee, carrie_lee@xmu.edu.cn, 86-592-2189823