副教授 博导


  • 美国西北大学土木与环境工程系 博士(2016)

  • 香港科技大学深圳研究院 博士后(2017-2019)

  • 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO) 访问学者 (2018.08-11,2019.08-11)

  • 黄金城官方网站 副教授(2020至今)

  • PhD, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University (2016)

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Shenzhen Research Institute (2017-2019)

  • Visiting Scholar, CSIRO Land and Water (2018.08-11,2019.08-11)

  • Associate Professor, College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University (2020-present)


  • 重金属环境生物地球化学

  • 沉积物重金属迁移性、生物有效性及毒性评价

  • Environmental biogeochemistry of metals

  • Mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of metals in sediments


  1. Su, Q, Xiao, W, Simpson, SL, Tan, QG, Chen, R, Xie, MW* (2023). Enhancing sediment bioaccumulation predictions: isotopically modified bioassay and biodynamic modeling for nickel assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 19352-19362.

  2. Wu Q, Su Q, Simpson SL, Tan QG, Chen R, Xie MW* (2022). Isotopically modified bioassay bridges the bioavailability and toxicity risk assessment of metals in bedded sediments, Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (23): 16919-16928.

  3. Wu Q#, Zheng T#, Simpson SL, Tan QG, Chen R, Xie MW* (2021). Application of a multi-metal stable-isotope-enriched bioassay to assess changes to metal bioavailability in suspended sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 13005-13013

  4. Xie MW*, Simpson S.L.*, Huang J, Teasdale PR, Wang WX (2021). In situ DGT sensing of bioavailable metal fluxes to improve toxicity predictinos for sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 55 (11), 7355-7364

  5. Xie MW, Wang N, Gaillard JF*, Packman AI* (2016). Hydrodynamic forcing mobilizes Cu in low-permeability sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (9), 4615-4623.

  6. Xie MW, Jarrett BA, Silva-Cadoux CD, Fetters KJ, Burton GA, Gaillard JF*, Packman AI* (2015), Coupled effects of hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry on Zn mobility and speciation in highly contaminated sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (9), 5346-5353.


l 无机化学 本科生课程Inorganic Chemistry, Undergraduate course

l 论文写作指导  研究生课程  Writing Science in English, Graduates course


l 国家自然科学基金面上项目,(2021-2024),水动力对河口沉积物重金属迁移释放及毒性的影响机制 

l 黄金城官方网站校长基金(2021-2023),水动力与生物地球化学过程对沉积物重金属迁移及毒性的耦合影响机制

l 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(2018-2020),沉积物再悬浮对颗粒态金属生物可利用性的影响研究

l 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2017-2019),河口混合过程中胶体相重金属粒径分配时空变化特征研究

l 深圳市科技计划基础研究项目(2018-2020),珠江口重金属污染物多尺度时空分布特征研究


      l 2022,黄金城官方网站南强青拔B类人才

       l 2020,福建省引进高层次人才
